Customs arrangements

Product Information

All Nordeco products support Taiwan's voltage plug standard.

If you have special needs, please contact customer service.

Ezway App (Ezway) real-name authentication

After the order is placed in Taiwan, if the product is not in stock in the Taiwan warehouse / when the customer chooses to pay by cash, it is necessary to register with the real name on the Ezway App (易利财), and after registration, the recipient's Chinese Full name and social security number provided to Nordeco for customs declaration.

All personal data will be destroyed immediately after customs declaration and will not be used for other purposes.

After the customer places an order, Nordeco will try to contact the customer by email first, and then use other tools such as SMS / Line to make arrangements. If the customer does not respond / does not provide the required information, the goods will not be shipped, and Nordeco will not provide any compensation for delays and shipments caused by this reason.

*According to the requirements of the Taiwan government, all imported goods need the recipient to register on EZ WAY for customs declaration. For details, please read this website.

tracking number

Nordeco's packages will be shipped by sea and air according to customer needs. The tracking number of these two delivery methods can only be tracked after the goods arrive at Taiwan Customs and are released. The tracking number is not updated, mostly because the goods have not been released at the customs, which is normal. For inquiries, please feel free to contact customer service.


Because the goods are imported into Taiwan from overseas, the recipient may have to pay customs duties. The company will not be responsible for any customs duties, nor will it accept any costs incurred due to customs duties. If the customer does not pay the customs duties and causes other additional costs, the product is damaged/disappeared. The company will not make any refund and replacement arrangements.

According to the regulations of the Taiwan government, all goods above NT$2,000 have the opportunity to pay customs duties.